Sunday, November 29, 2015


Food is really needed for all beings. There are many kinds of food that people consume. Are you a vegan or you trying to become a vegan? Are you happy and at peace with animals? Jane Goodall said, “You cannot share your life with a dog, as I had done in Bournemouth, or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings”( Most people oppose hurting animals, so they should not buy and consume dairy products and eggs.
Martin Buber said, “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.” Actually, this is true, and animals can feel pain. If people use dairy products and eggs, animals feel pain in the process of taking milk or eggs. In fact, according to, millions of cows and their calves are in pain and suffer mentally and physically from people taking dairy milk every day. Like all mammals, cows have about nine months pregnancy, and they produce milk to feed their babies for a year and then stop. To maintain the milk supply, every year cows are forcibly impregnated by artificial insemination. Male calves are sold when they are a few weeks old because they are not useful for milk production. Also according to, “A beautiful little calf, just a few days old, bellows incessantly from a stone shed. He is perfect as he could be, perfectly formed, perfectly healthy. He is distraught because he has just been separated from his mother and is bewildered and frightened.” Annually, more than 150,000 newborn dairy calves are killed in Britain because they are by-products of milk production. If people do not use dairy products, this will reduce animals’ pain and suffering.
Furthermore, about 95 percent of eggs sold in the United States are from caged hens. According to, hens live in the small space with about 67 square inches. They cannot flap their wings or perform other natural behaviors. Each year in the United States, more than hundred of millions of chicks will die because of the egg industry and people buying their products ( Some people who are against  consuming dairy products and eggs are opposed to animal’s cruelty. According to, people can feel how much pain animals are in to supply their products for us.
Absolutely, people should not consume dairy products and eggs. Cow’s milk contains around 85% water and very little iron that nurtures newborn calves. Moreover, cows’ milk is higher in saturated fats and different from human milk, and dairy milk is not natural for human consumption ( In addition, egg yolk is high in cholesterol that causes diseases such as heart attacks or high blood pressure. We should consume vegan food that helps to protect us from these diseases as well as colorectal cancer because vegan food is high in fiber from whole grains, fruit, and vegetables.

Thus, avoiding to buy and consume dairy products not only helps animals’ suffering, but also protects our health. That is good for us, and this is one of the reasons we do not need dairy products, and it will help us to become at peace with all animals. You really are happy when you see all beings are not hurt. Buddha said, “Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.”  



  1. I heard one time that humans are the only "animal" that drink milk form other animal so maybe that is why it is no appropriate.

    1. Yes, Katia, I have heard this too. Can you imagine if someone told you they liked to drink dog or cat milk? We would think they were crazy! So I wonder why we all think it's so normal to drink the milk meant for a baby calf.

  2. Nguyen, I love many of the passionate quotes you use to help strengthen your arguments here. I am glad you chose to focus on this issue. The cruelty involved in meat production is obvious to most, but many people have never really considered the painful reality behind dairy and egg production, as well. Thank you for giving voice to the animals.

  3. Hi Nguyen, your blog is wonderful, thanks for all this information.

  4. Nguyen, thanks for sharing this information with us.

  5. Your blog is so green now Dung!! I love it!!

  6. Your blog explain so much. It's actually sad to think of all the animals we kill.

  7. I feel so bad when I think about the suffering animals. I have learned a lot from your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  8. people eats beef, but they does not care about butchery.ridiculous

  9. I care about animals and such as treatment they are giving to animals on this days. I do not agree to any of the damage they are doing to those poor animals but i know nature made us to be able to hunt and eat, I'm just worry about over population and people getting extra of what they dont need.

  10. Thanks to your essay i know that we have to be more careful with the food that we consime
